Professional Solar PV Engineering Services



SSEG systems (Small Scale Embedded Energy Generators) are an essential asset class for any consumer of electrical energy. Their scope and function can vary widely. What does not vary are the various requirements that they should conform to. These range from building regulations, relevant electrical codes and the OHSA act.
Failure to ensure compliance with all aspects can lead to fire, invalidation of building insurance and additional costs to achieve compliance. SolarLab. pro offers niche site survey, design and specification services, installation services and post project certification services to electrical companies or the end user on a professional basis.
In addition to traditional site survey skills we offer drone assisted solar PV design.
Scanifly ( offers a high end software package that allows an accurate 3D model to be constructed from geotagged imagery collected from the project site.
Once uploaded to the Scanifly design suite we are able to provide accurate layouts of PV modules as well as specific solar yield analysis of the proposed layout. Shading factors can also be accurately analysed.
Accurate site specific PV panel layouts improve construction efficiency. Change orders can effectively and quickly dealt with. Scanifly design is essential for medium to large projects with large and complex roof structures. It is also a good design tool for complicated domestic roof structures.
Combining our team’s extensive experience allows us to provide effective and appropriate solar PV design
for all solar PV projects.
Our solar site survey and system design services are used by solar electrical contractors as well as end users.

Solar PV systems are significant investments. For domestic and small business consumers a solar PV and battery plant will be on a par with investing in a motor vehicle. PV plants that have no technical drawings to describe the installation are unknown entities.
Where drawings do not exist only the original designer or installer will know accurately the wiring and other key aspects of the plant. Currently the draft code for PV systems connected to the grid (SANS 10142-1-2 ) requires at least a single line diagram to meet compliance.
Technical drawings provide a valuable reference of the PV plant. They ensure that trouble shooting and solutions can be executed by third party contractors where the original installation company may not be available. Good solar installation companies should provide end users with handover documents that stand alone and apart from the installation company into the future.
As Professional Engineer sign off of grid connected systems is required by Eskom clients and clients in municipal jurisdictions that have adopted NRS097 (SA Grid Code) technical drawings are important. The core business of engineering and design consultants is technical drawing accompanied by professional verification of the design.
We can provide Professional Engineer sign off of various types of drawings from :”Single Line Diagrams”, “For Construction” through to detailed “As Built” drawings.
Given the technical nature of the solar PV plants the end user is most often not able to inspect or verify the standard of work executed. That is a practical factor.
The second is that all grid connected systems are under NRS097 and the adoption of this standard by municipal authorities and Eskom are required to be signed off by a Professional Engineer(Pr.Eng). Off-grid systems are also exercises in engineering.
Current Certificates of Compliance (COC’s) issued under SANS 10142-1 are limited in scope to the limited terms of reference in the code. These terms of reference do not cover the full scope and technical aspects of the solar PV plants.
In time we expect that these regulations to be applied more. Insurance companies being the leading edge of this movement in the market place.
Thus we offer PV commissioning test sheets, AS Built Documentation creation and project management for Solar PV projects.
Installation work is conducted by DOL registered electrical contractors for full turnkey project delivery. is a Solar PV design laboratory providing 3D model PV roof layouts, technical drawings and Pr.Eng inspection and sign off for electrical installation companies and end users
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